
CHSP services are not available due to no capacity at the moment.

Unbeatable & Fixed Pricing

홈 케어 패키지 요금 일정 - VIC

1st January 2025

This schedule includes

This schedule includes informa on on the price for some common services which can covered

by home care package program. Prices List above are all provided by 1st Care Community

Victoria staff. Other services which are not listed charges will be varies due to quota on.

All services fees are GST free.

1st Care Community Victoria provides In-home care services through home care packages to support elderly in need to stay at home for as long as possible. We do not require our consumers to pay any self-contribution (Basic Daily Fee), which means our services are 100% free for full pensioners or any other low in-comer, unless you are assessed by government and required pay any In-come Tested Care Fee or any extra cost when the level of care is not able to meet your full needs.

The table below provides an es mate of maximum service hours consumers get with each level managed by us during weekdays, service hours can be different due to each consumer’s individual care plan.

  • Standard service hours are 7am – 7pm. The Service Fees and Charges for after-hour care, and sleepover will be advised by the Case Managers.
  • The Service Fees and Charges are subject to change. We will advise the consumers and the family members before the new Service Fees and Charges are applied.
  • Minimum service hours will be 2 hours for standard service. Cancellation and change of services require 48 business hours notices.

자격 확인

홈 케어 패키지는 다음이 필요한 65세 이상의 노인, 원주민 또는 토레스 해협 섬 주민의 경우 50세 이상에게 열려 있습니다.

  • 지속적인 서비스
  • 여러 서비스 또는 높은 빈도의 하나의 서비스
  • 높은 수준의 지원

홈 케어 패키지를 받으려면 다음에 등록해야 합니다. 나의 노인 케어, 그리고 귀하의 서비스 적격성을 결정하기 위해 정부로부터 평가를 받게 됩니다.

나의 노인 케어 연락처는 1800 200 422입니다.

오늘 무료 가정 방문상담을 예약하세요
